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Add:No.44, Noth of Pubian,Xiamen city,Fujian,China


Clothes clip, infusion set, hose clamp, dropper, razor blade machine

The desire of companies for robotic automation equipment is very strong

In addition to the state's support and propaganda for the rapid growth of industrial robots in China, the reality of changing labor structures and shrinking demographic dividends has prompted entrepreneurs to look for alternatives to human labor. Many entrepreneurs are looking for industrial robots not just to automate a process on the production line from manual to industrial robots, but rather to automate the entire production line.
Both large and small businesses have a strong will to use devices like robots. Because labor has been rising, profits have been falling, and robots have become unprofitable. At the same time, staff's safety and health awareness is also becoming stronger. So although the early investment is a bit big, but many enterprises are still willing to use these devices.
It is reported that with the introduction of robots, the production efficiency will generally increase by more than 30 percent, and the products

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